Friday, July 18, 2008

Stuff to Know

Hello readers. Jon here.
I have a few items that parents may want to know as we are leaving for Guat. Wayne has left some contact information to be used only in case of an emergency. David Glanville is a good friend of ours and has been appointed the Consular Warden for the region we'll be visiting.

David Glanville
Posada de Santiago, Hotel y Restaurant
Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala
(502) 7721-7366
(from USA & Can, first dial 011)
Fax 7721-7365

Wayne, our guide (and incredible guy; pictured below) shared this message with some folks through email that I thought you would enjoy. In it he describes the nature of some of our work projects and other ventures. Please keep us in your prayers as we leave.

Wayne writes:
This group is from the high-school department at the Christ Chapel Bible Church in Ft Worth Texas. Ted Kitchens, Pastor

We have about 60 teenagers, plus 9 staff members. Some of the staff are full time workers in the youth department, others are summer interns. Most all of the staff have been on previous trips to Guatemala sponsored by the Wycliffe Tour Department.

Thanks to all of your for supporting us with your prayers and the administrative services that contribute to the tour program.

Our work project will be in the village of Santiago Atitlan in the Tzutujil language area. The is the home area of Pedro Samuc, the co-translator of the Tzutujil New Testament for his dialect. He did this under the supervision of SIL members Jim and Judy Butler. Pedro has plans to visit the USA later this month to speak at a church in Kansas and them will be coming to the Linguistic Center for 2-3 days July 28-29-30

In addition to work projects, the students will be able to chose from electives that we are offering, Things like, assisting in local schools in English classes, visiting the Vinya recording studios, hearing a testimony of an American who has opened a business in Guatemala as an avenue to reaching people for Christ, etc. One of the main sessions is the story of the Tzutujil translation project, The Uspanteco translation project, and the missions out reach of the Tzutujil congregation in that village.

Cordially yours,

Keep checking back for more Guat updates!

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